E info@klenzaids.com
Klenzaids Contamination
Controls Pvt. Ltd.
A-21, M.I.D.C Industrial Area,
Street # 3, Andheri East.
Mumbai - 400 093, India.
Immunetic LifeSciences a part of the Indovax group
India’s premier facility for research & large scale manufacturing of SPF eggs.
Located in Una which is derived from the hindi word “Unnati” which means “progress” and was selected for this location’s isolated foothills which is ideal for such life science endeavors where it is imperative to ensure segregation from other livestock. The Indian Government, assisted under the Agro-Bio initiative, extended unprecedented exclusivity in this area.
India's animal husbandry goal.
To make India independently capable of providing SPF eggs and Diagnostic Reagents to Bioscience labs and Vaccine manufacturers as the fundamental starting block for the cGMP manufacture of both Human and Poultry Vaccines. Global organizations such as W.H.O & F.A.O have stressed on World’s demands and with this Immunetic LifeSciences facility the Indovax group is well on the way to meet these Global Targets and ensure uninterrupted supplies.
Immunetic after lagging off India's foray into SPF years ago.
Klenzaids was assigned by Immunetic LifeSciences a part of the Indovax Group to Design & build their most ambitious project on date. Gezondheidsdienst voor Dieren B.V, (GD) a Dutch entity and one of the world’s largest veterinary diagnostic laboratories as co-promoter of this facility set design, functional and style requirements for this facility ensuring that it stays benchmark for year to come. Together GD and Indovax through Immunetic have shown a globally collaborative way forward even in this exotic niche of speciality LifeSciences.